showing 15 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downward
ATTACK OF THE PETSCII ROBOTS (PETSCII ROBOTS) 8-Bit Productions?labelminimizeminimize
Super Mario World (スーパーマリオワールド) Nintendo1990labelimagesubject
ActRaiser (アクトレイザー) Enix (Quintet)1990labelimagesubject
Final Fight (ファイナルファイト) Capcom1990labelimagesubject
Jaleco Rally - Big Run: The Supreme 4WD Challenge (ビッグラン) Jaleco1991labelimageminimize
Ultraman: Towards the Future (Ultraman: Kuusou Tokusatsu Series;ウルトラマン) Bandai (Nova Games)1991labelimagesubject
Super Buster Brothers (Super Pang) Capcom1992labelimageminimize
Bebe's Kids Mandingo;Motown (Radical Entertainment)1992labelimagesubject
The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse (Mickey no Magical Adventure) Capcom;Disney (Capcom)1992labelimagesubject
The Incredible Crash Dummies LJN1993labelimagesubject
Melfand Stories ASCII1994labelimageminimize
Snake Blasters Smile!1995labelimageminimize
American Battle Dome (アメリカンバトルドーム) Tsukuda Original1995labelimageminimize
Bio Worm Wani1996labelimageminimize
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame Titus1996labelimageminimize